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Innergy Articles
Why Should I Meditate?

What is Innergy?

The Power of Consistency in Workouts

Creating the Perfect Environment for Restful Sleep

Wellness Wednesdays: Midweek Strategies for Recharging

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About IMIH
Innergy is brought to you by the Institute for Meditation and Inner Harmony, a global non-profit organization of people who are passionate about meditation and harmonious living. IMIH’s founders and Board of Directors come from a varied background of practices in meditation, well-being, and healthy living, and all are passionate about sharing with others the positive impact holistic wellness and living can have on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
IMIH’s mission is to research and share the proven benefits of meditation and mind/body wellness with individuals, communities, and the world. Our distinguished board of advisors is comprised of doctors, medical and meditation experts, nutritionists, physical trainers, and therapists who also follow a holistically healthy way of life.
Contact Us
Feel free to reach out with any questions, feedback, or support requests to
Institute for Meditation & Inner Harmony



4151 Naperville Road, Lisle, IL 60532